Cubic Lemon
Mike McGuire

Mike McGuire (3)

Design leader and manager - Strategic thinker driving vision and roadmap development delivering value to customers and the business.  Interested in product-led business, superlinear growth, data driven insights and  disruptive innovation.

Using AI To Generate Practice Interview Questions 

In recent years, the job interview process has undergone a ton of transformation driven by the changing dynamics of the job market and the increasing emphasis on finding the right fit between employers and candidates. Competition is pretty intense for positions and once you manage…

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Intersted in UX?  Think More Broadly.

I spend a fair amount of time chatting with software programmers about UX and some want to make the switch towards the leading edge of development. There are many ways people come to UX. Design is the natural pathway for many, but others become part…

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Resources for the (Future) Product Professional

In the never ending life quest to pay-it-forward, I have great conversations with younger, aspiring Product Managment and UX professionals and try to help them get to where they wan to go. I try to share my experinces and the readings I have come across…

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